WeRob2016 is now accepting a 1-page abstract contributions to provide an opportunity for dissemination of research ideas, late-breaking research or undergraduate research. These contributions will be presented in a Poster session and will not be part of the final conference proceeding. The submission deadline is on May 1, 2016. Templates are available here.
To submit your contribution, please follow the easychair link below and tick the topic: One-page abstract
Extended abstract (2 pages) contributions are welcome. Templates are available here.
April 15 is the final deadline for extended abstracts. Please read the comments carefully and revise your paper accordingly. Please do not forget to verify that your manuscript is strictly according to WeRob2016 template (see above).
To submit the final version of your manuscript please log in at Easy Chair platform and upload it:
Go to the Easy Chair platform – Please choose the topic that best fits your contribution and upload the source file and the .pdf version to the ‘Submission’ field (.zip file)
All contributions will be peer reviewed. Accepted contributions will appear in Conference Proceedings.
We would like to remind you that at least one of the authors of the paper must be registered. Authors must register before June 15. Otherwise, the paper will be excluded from conference program and proceedings.
Furthermore, the authors of the best papers of WeRob2016 will be invited to submit a substantially extended version of their papers for their publication in a special issue of the International Journal of Neural Systems (Impact Factor: 6.507).
We thank you for your efforts and look forward to seeing you in Segovia.